Alumni Association



Dr. Amalorpava Mary (TA)

Department Representatives

Mrs. Anita Jecintha Mary (CS)

Mrs. Amali (PH)

Mr. Antony Samy (MA)

Mrs. Jenifer (EN)

Mrs. Sagaya Mary (BBA)

Mrs. Savariammal (B.Com)


The Alumni Association is a dynamic, member-focused organization, driven by Mother Gnanamma’s values and directed towards supporting the social, intellectual, and spiritual needs of all present and future alumni of Mother Gnanamma Women’s College.


To build a network of Gnanamites and contribute to the personal and career development of the present and passed out students.


  • To maintain a data base of the alumnae profile.
  • To assist in the placement of students along with HRD.
  • To organize get-togethers for the former students periodically.
  • To promote interaction with and among alumni.

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